8042 Deep Orange Opaque Enamel

£5.04 (inc VAT)

Lead-free enamel.
Firing range 800 – 820 degrees C.
25 g pack.

Availability: In stock SKU: B25YB Categories: , ,

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Good basic range of transparent and opaque unleaded colours. In accordance with the requirements of Administrative Memorandum No 2/65, issued by the Department of Education and Science, we inform you that whilst these enamels and colours are lead free, they do contain some ingredients which in some circumstances may be considered toxic. As these materials are thoroughly combined in the enamels any risk is considerably reduced, if not eliminated. However we recommend that reasonable care is taken, particular:

Do not introduce enamels or colours to the mouth.
Do not smoke or eat whilst using them.
Handle them carefully, in small quantities, and store in closed containers.
Wash hands thoroughly after use.
Opaque red, yellow and orange enamels contain cadmium and should be handled with extra care.

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